Thursday, July 14, 2005

Water Shortage

OOOOPPPPS! The main water line from the treatment plant to the surrounding 15 towns broke yesterday morning. This was a 6 1/2 foot diameter pipe with a 2 foot break in it. They closed all of the restaurants in McKinney yesterday (I managed to get lunch 10 minutes before the shut down became official) and imposed our emergency water restrictions. No sprinklers, no carwashes, no make up water in the swimming pools things like that. After the restrictions were imposed the water consumption rate dropped from 1.5 million gallons of water an hour to 0.5 million gallons per hour. That is still a lot of water. Our reserve holds roughly 13 million gallons.

The repair took less than a day but the restrictions will last for three more days to bring our reserve levels back up. This effectively cancels Sheela's swim classes. Oh well we are leaving tomorrow anyway so rescheduling them wouldn't have helped. We've actually had two or three good rains in the last week so I'm not too concerned about the foundation cracking even without the watering.

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