Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Breath of Snow and Ashes

Santa Claus brought me Diane Gabaldon's new book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes. She is one of the three authors that I actually care enough about to anticipate their new book releases. I've been waiting for this book for about a year. The book actually came out back in October but as it's still in hardback and essentially a 1000 pages long I couldn't justify it as an impulse buy at the grocery store. I'm only a third of the way through it but I'm off from work for the next seven days. It shouldn't be a problem to finish this one. The problem comes in when I feel compelled to reread the previous five-1000 page novels.... I may be late getting back to work. Oh well, it will be a New Year with a new crop of vacation days, I'll work it out. I also get like this when Tom Clancy comes out with a new book and everytime J.K. Rowlings releases another of the Harry Potter books.

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