Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sometimes I just need a little perspective.....

Last night while attempting to drift gently off to asleep I was beset by a coughing fit. I coughed long enough and hard enough to make myself throw up...repeatedly. Not my best night. I finally settled back down and tried to sleep... of course by then I was no longer in a gentle drifting off mode. So I went back to reading for awhile. I settled in again and just when I could feel myself sliding under Sunil started to cough. By this time, I fell like the whole world is set against me. I'm sick. I'm exhausted. All I want is a little bit of sleep. Is that so much to ask? Sunil coughs harder.... and harder..... and crying..... and coughing... and crying some more. This is ridiculous.

I get out of bed to go give him some cough medicine. I don't want him throwing up, that would really ruin MY night. He takes the medicine but is coughing too hard to tell me what is wrong. I go get him some more water to see if that will help settle him down. When I come back up he is completely hysterical.

A little bit of background here, Sunil sucks his thumbs at night while he is sleeping. Normally this is okay but weith the cooler weather comes drier air and the thumb sucking leads to painfully chapped thumbs and open wounds. Earlier we noticed that his thumbs were looking bad and needed a night to heal. We covered his hands with socks (held on with tape) to keep them out of his mouth. We've done this maybe five times over the last year, it doesn't seem to interfer with his ability to sleep and it makes a big difference in how his thumbs look the next day.

Back to my hystericaly crying/coughing boy. With his hands wrapped up he couldn't get his covers unwrapped from around himself and he didn't feel like could climb out of his loft and all he really wanted was to go to the bathroom. The poor kid coughed himself in to wetting the bed years after he doesn't do that anymore. Suddenly, a little bit of throwing up in the bathroom didn't seem so bad.

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