Friday, April 21, 2006

Destination 2006 - Brazil

First a flashback....
Destination 2005 - Italy
Destination 2004 - India
Destination 2003 - Italy
Destination 2002 - England

We seem to have a hobby here at work. It involves telling me to pack my bags because they really need me to go to ____________ (on some super secret project) and then never actually letting me go anywhere. I haven't actually taken one of these trips since 1997.

I've recently been informed that I'm needed in Brazil. They don't know when they need me to go but it is a job that only I can do... (much like the others).

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Well, hey, wouldn't that be great?

We had some no-goes before we actually got to go to Japan ... so, keep those fingers crossed.

You have a cool job, anyway!
