Wednesday, June 07, 2006

VBS and Adventure Landing

Sunil is going to Kids Club all by himself today for the first time.  Being the easy-going kid that he is, this is not a problem for him.  He hasn't really learned the names of any of the other boys yet (except for the ones that play with Sheela) but he'll work it out in time.  They are going on a field trip today to a place called Adventure Landing.  It has miniature golf and arcade games.  He's never played miniature golf.  I think he will like it.
Sheela is going to Vacation Bible School today with her friend Lisa.  I love Lisa as a friend for Sheela.  She's a really good kid and a lot of fun.  They were in class together, played soccer together for a year and were in the same Brownie troop.  It also helps that I really like her mom.  Cindy is from Canada, very close to New York, and hasn't been down here in "the Republic of Texas" all that long.  She still points out the things that they do here that are just stupid.  Apparently at VBS you are allowed to bring a guest so Lisa asked Sheela to come along.  Sheela tried to ask me what to expect and I didn't have much to say on the subject.  I remember going to VBS when we lived in Tennessee, I don't actually remember anything useful about it.  I told her that they would talk some about Christianity, play some games, eat a snack and then go back to Lisa's house to play for the afternoon.

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