Monday, December 18, 2006

Cinnamon Bread French Toast

Grammylyn returned from Granbury, TX with two lovely loaves of cinnamon bread. She used the first loaf to hook my young and impressionable son on french toast (she also fed the rest of us). Since she has left for NY it has fallen on me to use up the other loaf. As Sunday was an early morning for us all we had to wait for lunch. Today (Monday) we couldn't even make lunch work but he talked me into it for dinner. I'm down to two eggs and two slices of bread.


Tracy said...

Yummy French toast is always a treat - even for dinner.

-lyn said...

And, today Gramma N. brought home some cinnamon bread ... I foresee some more french toast in my future. (Not the wonderful loaves like we found in Granbury, though)