Sunday, January 21, 2007

IC Festival

Sheela's DI team attended an Instant Challenge Festival yesterday. They had to complete four different challenges and were able to watch another team complete those same four challenges. They weren't given their point scores but they did get feedback from the appraisers (which is much more useful).

I took Sunil, Seema and Nita to watch but we quickly figured out that it was too chaotic to be worth it. There were 16 teams (5-7 kids per team), their 16 team managers and at least 32 appraisers all in the cafeteria working at the same time. The nieces went back to their shopping spree, and Sunil went with Sid to take care of some rental stuff. I bought a dishwasher.

For their challenges:
They built a tower out of straws, cups and coffee stirrers. The tower had to be built on top of a basketball but could not be connected to the ball. They had three minutes and it had stand unsupported for at least 10 seconds. Points were awarded for each inch of height, teamwork and creativity.

Write and perform a skit about a book. I don't remember the details on this one but book was called The Green Potato and Sheela played the part of a bookshelf. Again points for teamwork and creativity, also for presentation and clarity.

Write and perform a skit about three creative uses for glass. Their three uses were: a portal to another dimension, a lava lamp and a clone mirror. One of the girls went in to an antique glass shop and accidentally touched the portal. When she arrived in the other dimension she was in a lava lamp store. While choosing her lamp, she decided to fix her hair in a mirror. When she looked in to the mirror it cloned her. The only thing her clone could say was, "Do you want a donut?" They both returned through the portal. There was a time when I would have said that a portal was creative, but it appears in almost everything this team has done for the last four months.

The fourth challenge was another skit. In this one they were supposed to make a funny TV show, I didn't catch the nuances. Their show was about science and accidentally shrinking some one's dog then accidentally turning it into a ferocious beast.

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