Tuesday, January 09, 2007

We opted out.....

of the Foster Care program today. It was a good experience and we learned a lot. I'm glad that we had the time with Blake that we did and I wish that we could have done more.

The amount of frustration that we endured getting approved in the first place was nothing compared to the frustration of not being utilized once we were there. It just wasn't meant to be and we don't want to go through another 60 hours of training this year with no better chance at a placement. Our placement chances don't go up unless we expand our age range or accept sibling sets. These are not places that we want to go.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

We certainly understand. Blake was a wonderful experience for all of us, and I am sure you were a blessing for him. We're so glad you did that for him.

We're sorry that the program is in such disarray.