Monday, October 29, 2007

Book-free weekend

I'm so proud of myself.  I went all weekend without reading a single book, not even a chapter (except for the Boxcar Children # 5 Mike's Mystery that I'm reading to Sunil).  This meant I had much more time to accomplish household stuff and spend time with the kids. We cobwebbed the hedges in the spirit of Halloween. I made a vest for Sunil's pirate costume, we bought and carved pumpkins, bought poster board and twine for a math fact family mobile, went to the Plano Pacer's Run.  Sheela finished fourth.  Sunil went with Dad to a Cub Scout event called "CUBE".  I have no idea what it was or what they did aside from launching model rockets made out of empty soft drink bottles of various sizes.  We started to clear the family room walls in preparation for drywall repair and repainting.  Sid conned Sheela and Zach into washing his car for free.  You get what you pay for.  Sunil had a school friend over to play.  I bought a bunch of new clothes for me and new jammies for the kids.  They both still love foot pajamas but it isn't quite cold enough at night to wear them comfortably.  I bought them anyway by the time it is cold enough they won't have any at the store.  In another episode of "I'm Turning in to My Mother" I bought Sheela the same pair this year that I bought her last year.  For some reason I can just see her in that fabric when I close my eyes……. go figure.  At least they are pretty and she does like them.  They are bright red with glittery snowflakes on them.



Team Sharma said...

I forgot to mention the Halloween party. I took the kids to a costume party (Darth Vader and Hermione Granger). They had to be TV/Movie characters. I did not wear a costume but next year I promise I will. It makes everything more fun.

-lyn said...

Any pix of Darth Vader?

By the way, I loved that you admitted to your "turning into your mother" moment. Really made my day -- and John got quite a chuckle out of it, too!