Friday, October 26, 2007

PT Conference Round 2

We finished out the conference season with a double whammy. We spoke with both of Sheela's teachers at the same time. There weren't really any big surprises. She reads very well, catches on quickly to new material and likes to have a lot of reassurance that she is doing what is expected. They would like her to read more of a variety of styles. In math they have just introduced double digit multiplication so they are keeping an eye on her for signs of stress (apparently this is one of those hurdles that don't come easily and the kids that are used to it being easy are at risk). She gets along with everyone but spends the most time with her friend Bo. He is in her AIM class also and they work very well together.


-lyn said...

Yay for Sheela. I'm sure she will catch on to the double digit thing soon (I don't think I have it down yet, but that's why it's good that our genes come from more than one source...

Tracy said...

PT conferences sound like they've been really good - both Sunil and Sheela are doing great.

RE: double, yeah. I'm still struggling with the singles:-)

But Brian is extremely proficient and says Sheela will conquer it all with ease!