Saturday, October 27, 2007

Surgical Steel

After extensive human testing we have determined that Sheela can only
wear 14k gold (or better) and surgical steel jewelry. I didn't worry
about it too much before as she rarely wore anything besides her studs
but here lately she has attempted short time wear of some of her
favorite fashion styes with disasterous results. In preparation for
giving away her entire earring collection we have purchased a variety
of replacements. Some of them are really pretty but there aren't too
many styles made with the surgical steel and they get lost too easily
to invest much in gold.

In a related blunder she wore a necklace for two days and ended up
with her neck ringed in red welts.


-lyn said...

Ouch. Well, maybe she will save lots of money (over many years) by not being tempted by all those costume jewelry choices :-)

Tracy said...

Indeed, ouch. I hope she doesn't miss the cool styles too much.