Wednesday, October 24, 2007

PT Conference Round 1

Sid and I had our Parent Teacher conference for Sunil yesterday. Sunil is a strong and enthusiastic reader at school. The teacher has to frequently hold him back so that others can read too. I found this gratifying since it is difficult for us to get him to want to read at home. Apparently he loves it at school. He has begun using the accelerated reader program. This program allows him to select books based on the color dot placed on the spine and then perform an independent comprehension assessment on the computer. This helps him control his reading level and advancement rate. Apparently he did not test very well the first time (the intimidation factor). The upside to this I guess is that he gets to start with REALLY easy books. He should be able to get his confidence up pretty quickly.

He is right on track in math, spelling, reading, etc. He tends to write too quickly so that it is illegible. He has already been prepared to get the answers marked as incorrect if they can't be deciphered. This should encourage him to self correct.

The approach to the math is one that I like. They divided all six of the 1st grade classes up based on how quickly a child gets through a lesson and work sheet. So that the class is tailored to the pace of the teacher. This reduces the number of kids left behind or sitting bored at the end. The make up of the classes changes week to week as the kids start to catch on faster or more slowly.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

It's super that Sunil is liking to read at school. It's more fun being smart if the teacher can tell that you are, right?