Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Sometime during the course of the weekend my fundraiser flower order was delivered to our front porch. I bought two flats of violas, one yellow and one purple. Of course Saturday we were too busy with soccer to plant, and Sunday we were at Farhana's. Last night was the first chance I've had to get them in the ground. Unfortunately, Sunday it was in the low 40s and raining, Sunday night it dropped to the mid-30s. The violas look a quite a bit worse for the delay in planting but we put them in anyway. The kids did most of them. It may not be one of our best years for flowers. But we gave it a try.

We also planned to carve the pumpkins last night. One of them has already rotted on the front porch (I only bought them a week ago). So that didn't work out quite the way I planned.

The best though is of course the status of the great kitten give away. The neighbors told my friend Brenda that they definitely wanted one of the kittens. So I went by to confirm which kitten and to set up a time frame. The husband of the pair was the only one home and he'd never heard word one about the kttens. He will confer with the wife and check back -- but I've written them off. One of the other definites apparently hasn't asked his parents yet either. I'm guessing that that will fall through. The friend that wants the mother wont even come over to meet her until the kittens are all gone (so that her daughter doesn't fall in love with a kitten instead of the cat). That leaves only one kitten earmarked, and they want us to hold her for another couple of weeks beacuse of their travel schedule. At least they still want her but we need to get that room set back up as a bedroom. Even if the foster agency keeps calling with inappropriate placements (eventually they will get the right one), we have company coming and nowhere to put them. Plus Sid and Sheela keep getting more and more attached. Though I do think Sid is hamming it up just a little for my benefit.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

We want to see pumpkin pix!