Monday, October 10, 2005

Parent Teacher Conference Day

***Brag Warning*** Sid and I went in to talk to Mrs. DeWaters this afternoon about Sheela and her year to date. She's off to a pretty good start. She reads above a 6th grade level but her comprehension skills put her at a 5th-6th grade level so that is where she is working. She is pretty far ahead in math and science as well. She plays well with all of the other kids, it doesn't matter which group she's in. She is a natural leader, bright and outgoing. This year we need to have her admitted into the AIM program (the new talented and gifted acronym). I just love these meetings.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Bragging permitted, and even encouraged! Love to hear what we already know.


Grammylyn and GrampaJohn