Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School commitments

The school year always starts with a flurry of commitments. Last night was curriculum night for both the 2nd and 5th grades. At least I only had to sacrifice one night instead of two but it meant that I was at the school for the two and a half hours between the time I get home and the time Sunil goes to bed. It doesn't leave much time for actual parenting.

Tonight is join scouting night for the cub scouts so we have to go up again tonight with Sunil to sign up again. He's very excited, he got to wear his uniform to school today.

Tomorrow is the first PTA meeting -- this time they disguised it as an ice cream social to get the kids to bring their parents in. I'm hoping to skip this one.

Friday night is the parent's planning meeting for our cub scout den. We need to divide up duties for the year and set out schedule.

Saturday we were supposed to join the pack for the first day of Boy Scout popcorn sales. Unfortunately we are already committed to the bike ride down in Glen Rose.

Yesterday the scouts sent home fliers regarding: scout night at a Ranger game, a Mavericks game, an FC Dallas game, the Mesquite Rodeo, and CUBE (a family event). All of this happens in the next seven weeks.

We were given dates through the spring when the kids are not allowed to travel, have Dr/dentist appointments or be ill due to test dates, practice test dates, assessment dates or conferences.

We spent 45 minutes talking about the 5th graders trip to Sky Ranch. I'm going to be a chaperon so I get to sleep in a cabin with 16 ten year old girls for two nights.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Great - just in time for school pictures, right? They are both cute - I like the gaps. Plus, they can drink through a straw with their mouths shut!