Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The darkside

I've pulled Sheela over to the darkside. She now spends most of her free time curled up in the glider in my room reading. I've moved from reading in the glider to reading on my bed to make room for her. We tried it the other way but then she fall would fall asleep in my bed and I would have to haul her out. I enjoy having someone to read with, it makes me feel less antisocial. At the same time though I know that reading gets in the way of almost every normal activity. There are mornings were I have to fight the impulse to call in sick so I can stay home and finish a book... or get a head start on the next one. There have been many nights where I left a mess in the kitchen while I run upstairs to change. Instead I pick up a book and never come back down. Bills don't get paid, children don't get feed, laundry doesn't get put away, phone calls don't get made. This isn't really the life I want for her, but I want to enjoy it for just a little while.


-lyn said...

Is there room for another chair in your room, or shall I just sit on the floor? I certainly don't want to miss out on the fun!


Team Sharma said...

As the weather turns cooler, I think we will migrate down to the living room and light a fire. There is plenty of room down there.

Tracy said...

Ahh, books. Been there, done that. well, um, except for the child-rearing part:-)

Jane Eyre is one of my favourite books, the the title character is also (naturally!) a bibliophile.

Surely some avid reader must be a success?? Somewhere?????