Monday, November 07, 2005

Parent Teacher Conference

We met with Sunil's teacher this morning. Her name is Ms. Tehmina. He is doing really well in everything except penmanship. We need to have him practice his writing a lot more (or let him use his scissors more often). He can read all of his simple short vowel words and most of his simple long vowel words but she wont start him on books until after the holidays. It is a waste of time to start and stop repeatedly.

He has spent a lot of time working on geography and can name all of the continents, most of the oceans and quite a few countries. States are giving him some difficulty, but like most people born in Texas he tends to think that it is larger and more important than it really is.

He also knows the days of the week and the months of the year.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Way to go, Sunil!!!
Grammylyn and GrampaJohn