Friday, November 04, 2005

A new process book

The Quality director bought me a new book: Process Mapping, Process Improvement and Process Management: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Work and Information Flow by Dan Madison. Now I have an excuse to actually read at work. I haven't done that in awhile. It's not quite as engrossing as reading fiction and not quite as much fun as attending a class where I get to interact with other people and discuss new ideas, but it's better than requesting yet another document change that will only get repealed in a few days, because someone wasn't diligent in checking their facts. It's been a big week for undoing the work I did last week.

On a work related note, we were audited by the FDA this week and it went very well. No observed deficiencies (it's very rare that they don't document anything.) I didn't have anything to do with this audit but I'm proud of the team that did (and they did feed me breakfast every morning).

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