Thursday, February 16, 2006

Board Meeting

Roughly once a year the Board of Directors comes to Texas for their quarterly meeting. Usually, that means we spend four days cleaning up our "work spaces" so that we can impress them with our tidiness. Then we all have to come in to work on a Friday in suits instead of jeans so that we may impress them with our professional demeanor. The Board goes to some swank hotel and has their meeting and a few of them manage to stop by for a hurried tour before they bolt back to the airport and jet out of town. Few people actually see the Board and fewer still are actually seen by the Board. It makes the jeans lovers cranky.

This time the meeting is on Thursday (so our jeans day is safe), the meeting its self is being held in our training room, and most of the board members will still be here this afternoon when we all gather for our SOB (State of Business) meeting. This means we can actually look professional in front of a live audience.... it makes the whole thing more palatable.

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