Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I've decided not to attend Linda's funeral tomorrow. I will go to the visitation at the funeral home this evening instead. Linda felt tired last week at work went home and apparently died in her sleep. Not a bad way to go I guess, but it would have been better if she'd lived long enough to retire and enjoy it. She was one of the first people to make me feel welcome at Orthofix (then American Medical Electronics). She was one of the smokers. I knew the smokers before I knew anyone else. I had to walk past the smoker's porch to get from the main building to my building. Days would go by when the only people I talk to at all were those outside taking a smioke.

If that weren't bad enough, her best friend out here is in the hospital for observation. We are all assuming this is a stress related issue from knowing that Linda died.

And a third smoker has disappeared. She is one of the original company employees. The rumor is that she is out for a medical reason, but usually there is some pretty specific gossip that goes along with that. This time no one seems to know anything and when we ask, the response is "ask HR". No one ever sends us to HR. They either know, don't know or don't want to say. Those are three answers that we can understand. "Go ask HR" just feels funny.

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