Monday, January 16, 2006

After Holidaze Bash

Saturday was Beckie and Lee's annual after-the-holidays holiday party. We were able to see many friends that we have been missing and had a great time. The "regift" gift exchange was a little more tame than in years gone by, but the hideous "fry-daddy" potato peeler was back for its seventh consecuetive year. It was the very last gift opened -- we thought the curse had been broken only to be surprised at the very end. We got rather lucky this year. Sid opened a package of chocolates combined with a talking flyswatter. The lure of the chocolate was enough to get someone to steal the whole set. He ended up with a six pack of Shiner Bock Beer and a set of 12 "beer bands". The bands resemble the "Livestrong" bracelets but are sized to fit a beer can or bottle and come in 12 not very attractive colors. Each one is emblazoned with a synonym for drunk: blitzed, bombed, smashed, hammered, etc. I ended up with a set of five makeup bags in a silver and black paisley print.


-lyn said...

FIVE makeup bags. Wow. Just what you really needed!

Well, at least you didn't get the hideous fry baby thingy ...

Tracy said...

Sounds like a lot of fun - what a great kind of party. I love the idea of the "beer bands"!