Monday, January 16, 2006

Breathing Treatments

Sunil went to the doctor after our sleepless Friday night. He started to wheeze around dawn. He took a breathing treatment at the doctor's office and we brought the nebulizer home again. We will keep it at least a month this time. The breathing trouble is what was causing the coughing (which in turn causes both the sore throat and the throwing up). I gave him one more treatment between music class and soccer practice. It perks him right up and gets him back to his normal playful self. He also has a five day course of steroids to help relax his airways. Its rare for kids to develop asthma after they turn four but he's not much past that milestone and its not impossible. We will see where it goes from here.


-lyn said...

So, Sunil gets to be a fire-breathing dragon again?!

Glad the treatment is so readily available, and glad it works so well.

Is asthma an actual diagnosis, or a "maybe?"

Team Sharma said...

The asthma is just a possibility at this point. We will keep you posted.