Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bad start to a busy weekend.....

Once again I've over scheduled. After work on Friday I picked up both kids switched cars and took the Taurus in to drop it off at the shop. Sid worked late and then swung by to pick us up. We went to Red Lobster for dinner. Sid and I both had inferior steaks and excellent lobster dinners. Sheela and Sunil ordered chicken. Sheela ate hers. Sunil just looked at his.

By the time we left there Sunil was complaining of a stomach ache and a sore throat. Everyone's allergies are raging. In addition to our normal winter allergens we have all the smoke and debris in the air from the grass fires (and an increasing number of structure fires). By the time we got home he was coughing to hard to fall asleep. Medication helped a little bit (after he threw up) but by midnight he was back up to throw up (on Sid) in the guest room. He took a bath and went back to sleep. Its almost 6:00AM now. He's been back up since 2:00AM. Sid hasn't slept at all.

We are supposed to go to Kindermusik this morning. Sid has some landlord type duties to deal with today so I get both kids all day. Right after music class we go to Sheela's soccer practice where I've agreed to watch Travis. Then Claire and Travis are supposed to come back to our house for the afternoon. (Both of their parents got called in to work). Once we get them moved back out we are due at Beckie and Lee's annual After Holidaze Party. This is one of the few events where we get to see a large number of our friends and their kids all at the same time. We usually stay quite late and let the kids run amok.

Sunday Sheela has a soccer game after which we are due to spend the afternoon watching football with some other friends at their house. I haven't even worked in time for me to buy and install the closet organizer for the Sharmas... and they come home in just a week.

Somewhere along the line I need to find a time for Sunil, Sid and I to take a nap (or two or three). Or we may have to forgo some of my plans.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Sounds like a hectic schedule, with the added bonus of a sick little boy. I hope the rest of your weekend goes well and you find some nap time!