Friday, January 27, 2006

Casual Friday and Jasmine Tea

Two of my favorite things have come together again. Friday is the king of the work days not because we have an eye on the approaching weekend but because we get to wear jeans to work. I am so much happier when I'm wearing jeans. I don't spend as much time as I used to crawling around, on and under equipment but doing that in a dress was never fun. Clearing off my desk is less daunting when I wear jeans, meetings are more comfortable, cooperation is greater. In my opinion a manufacturing site that handles greater than 99% or our public interface over the phone shouldn't have to dress up ever. Of course, I can see from my view of the coffee station why, as a whole, our company can't be trusted to dress down. It's a shame. I'm just glad I don't have to wear some of those clothes.

I picked up a packet of Jasmine tea at the store last night. I get a lot of grocery shopping done while Sheela is at soccer practice. I love Jasmine tea and rarely think to buy it for myself. It's going to be a good day.

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