As Grammylyn has gotten nearly the entire family addicted to doing Suduko my Suduko book is frequently unavailable to me (Sunil will work the simpler puzzles but needs quite a bit of hand holding -- he can walk away from an unfinshed board with no qualms). So I succumbed to an impulse buy of a Kakuro book at the store. I'm moving Sheela over slowly to this new addiction in order to free up my Suduko book. With Kakuro you aren't working with a full 9x9 grid, but you are still restricted to using each digit only once in any given row or column. This time though the sum of the digits used must equal the numeric clue.
Hmmm, Kakuro looks like it will be even harder than Sudoku! Way to go, both you and Sheela!
Ah, sudoku and kakuro. Lots of fun and frustration! If you can't get your book back, you may want to play online:
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