Saturday, January 07, 2006

Another sunny Saturday

We are definitely back into our normal groove. Sheela and I took Sunil to his Kindermusik class while Sid was off playing landlord. Then Sunil and I took Sheela to her soccer practice. As it's Saturday the practice was right around the corner next to the fabulous playground. I expected to spend the two hours chasing Sunil and the other younger siblings around the towers. However, as a special treat (for me) Sunil was whisked away with another parent to play at their house. All I had to do was drive Claire home and exchange her for Sunil after practice. I spent nearly the whole two hours walking around the perimeter of the park (down by the ponds and through the trees). I watched part of a cricket match and a very nifty dragon kite flying overhead. I watched a few model rocket launches and spent some time chatting with the other parents. All in all a good use of a beautiful afternoon. By the time we got back home Sushama and her girls had arrived. I took them all to our park to play just to get a few more hours in outside. I'll have to remember this day when we hit the Summer heat. Today Texas doesn't seem so bad.

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