The day to day life of a small family of Sharmas in Allen, Texas.
I managed to pick up a boy's two-piece blue suit at lunch time today. I hope it fits Sunil. He gets to dress up for dinner on the cruise. I found it at the Kid to Kid resale shop for less than $9. Now I'm glad I didn't cave yesterday and spend $28 on a tuxedo. Ebay has a slew of them listed for $13 (plus $15 s/h). It sounded like a bargain, but then I'd have to buy Sid a tux and Sheela and I would have to go a little bit more upscale too.... you just can't let the five-year old show us all up.
I managed to get a very pretty dress for Sheela too, even though I think Jaz has her covered. It was a bargain and is very pretty, black with red roses.
Kid to Kid was the franchise that Sid was looking to buy before I was transfered to NC. Amazing how many different turns that life can make.
SuperBlue held on to the first place spot in the girls 3rd grade select division. They've won their first three games, but the other undefeated team had a bye this week so the field isn't quite level.
Today is Kindergarten Career Day. Sunil has been planning all week long on dressing up as a Kindergarten teacher for school, but at the last minute he decided he just had to be a policeman. This is why advance planning is a waste of time. So he chose to wear navy blue shirt, shorts and socks. He wore his hiking boots (no PE class today so they're allowed). He accessorized with a junior ranger badge and Sid's navy cover (that would be a hat to us civilians). I still can't find the cord to transfer pictures off of my camera so you'll just have to imagine the overall effect. Mighty cute and pretty easy.
Happy Anniversary to Us! We've been married 15 years today. That's pretty good if I do say so myself.... especially as I was talking through the preliminary custody arrangements for my friend's divorce first thing this morning. I'm ignoring their situation for the rest of the day and focusing on us. We aren't going to do anything special tonight, but tomorrow we are going to stay at the Marriott on the rail line and take the train downtown for dinner atop Reunion Tower. We went there for our 5th and 10th anniversaries too. It is easy for me to picture us married for 15 years but not easy for me to picture living in Dallas long enough to celebrate in the same place so many times. I managed to pick up the first of Sid's presents at lunch today and I'm hoping to get the second on my way home tonight.
Yesterday was Mommy's 70th birthday. We didn't do too much but we did hit Macaroni Grill for dinner. It's one of her favorite places and has been for years. We did the big celebrations in Tennessee over the Summer.
I will be more comfortable taking the kids out of the country if they have passports than if I take them just with their birth certificates. So I've gotten their pictures made, I've filed out the forms and gathered up all the extras. I left work at 2:30 in order to pick them up from school and get all the way back to the Post Office here in McKinney (where I work) to file the forms. I've done my reading and I'm prepared. The US government prefers that both parents be present but with a notarized letter of acknowledgment I can get around that. I have my notarized letter from Sid and I'm ready to go. At the last minute I swing by the house and grab my passport and Sid's just in case. The kids and I wait in line and got to the counter with about 10 minutes to spare. So far so good. Unfortunately, I only have one notarized letter from Sid with both kids names on it. I need to have one letter to put with each application. We are rejected.
Bringing the IDs was a good idea though, I need to have copies of both of our ID to send along with the applications too. They don't tell you that on the website, but the clerk explained that sometimes, but not always, the paperwork gets rejected if its not there. Better safe than sorry.
If that wasn't enough fun, I found out from a friend that she has tried to travel with just the passport for her daughter and they wouldn't let her on the plane. They had to go back home and get the birth certificate too. She was born overseas and its something of a hassle for her to get additional birth certificates if this one gets lost, that was the whole reason she got the passport in the first place. She wants the passport to stay safely at home. Now she travels with both.
Both kids enjoyed their first "Mad Science" class yesterday after school. The program is eight weeks long and the theme is "NASA". The classes are held in the school science lab after classes are over. Then they just walk back to Kids Club.
Sheela is in the "old" kids section. They made meteors out of superballs and streamers. They are pretty and cute and they learned a lot. Sunil is in the "young" kids section. He built a two-foot tall rocket, with fins and detachable nose cone and a parachute. It seems like he got the better project.
Tomorrow is opening day for youth soccer in North Texas. Sheela leads off with an eight AM appearance in the 3rd Grade Girls Select Division. Luckily we only have two early games scheduled this season. The early games used to interfer with getting to sleep in, now they interfer with getting to go for our morning ride. The weekend rides are the fun ones. We've seen toads, frogs, armadillos, swans, vultures, great blue herons, cattle egrets and now peacocks. Technically they were peahens flying around wild or I guess ferrel downtown Allen. Anyhow, I'm ready for the season to start. Sheela has only played one game since June and I've missed it.
For the first time in nearly two years I'm having problems with my cell phone. It's a fairly outdated Samsung flip-phone. Today it doesn't want to flip. I can still open it but it feels like I'm grinding up glass in the hinge. This is not a good thing. I was hoping to make the phone last until April. We've been trying to get out from under the oppressive thumb that is Verizon for a year or longer and I'm only a few months shy. I might be able to wrest Sid's old phone away from Sunil and use it for a few months. Part of the reason that the phone belongs to Sunil and not Sid is that it lacks the battery power to last all day without charging. Stay tuned...
The Labor Day holiday was very well timed this year. Work has been rather frustrating the last couple of weeks. I've come to accept that I'm not going to be promoted to the departmental manager... in fact it looks like they aren't intending to allow us to have a manager at all. We've been without a Quality Director for six months and without a President for four months. The big decisions that we keep putting off as not ours to make are all becoming critical. We are finally being allowed to make them, but the delays have cost us. The layers of indecision and the apparent corporate direction shifts are just beginning to surface just as next years budget cycle has begun. We don't know what we will be doing next year but we have to set in stone how much its going to cost us to do whatever it is that they ask us to do and of course to justify our numbers. Our third quarter audits have gotten underway. I ended up on four audit teams instead of one so that I will have the experience to lead all of the fourth quarter audits. Our independent lead auditor quit, he was the one tasked with auditing the audit system, the corrective and preventive action system and the complaint files. These three systems are all under the direct control of our other lead auditors. They are not allowed to audit themselves. As an added bonus our most problematic product line of the year had another major incident. We've been very lucky in that these issues have all been brought to light prior to patient involvement... which means that no ones been hurt. But every issue makes us dislike working with this supplier just a little bit more. We did not get to choose the supplier, he was part of the package deal when we bought the product line and it has been the biggest draw back. We also had another labeling issue (internal only but that's about five too many this year). I want to fall back and revamp the whole system but I am much too close to it to see it clearly.
The three day weekend was a glorious time of doing NOTHING. I think I read three books this weekend, all of them so low on the intellectual scale that I may actually be dumber now than I was before. Escapism is for lowering your stress level and it seems to have worked well. I'm back at work today with a new and improved attitude. I took all of the papers off of my desk pushed them in to an empty carboard box and I'm taking them out to the parking lot to use as a small fire for roasting marshmellows.
Its still raining too much to start a fire so I guess I'll just organize the pile by priority and get back to work. I'll go buy a s'more flavored candy bar out of the vending machine to keep me company.