Saturday, September 09, 2006

Happy Ending

I screwed up.  I reserved flights for our trip to Florida a week or so ago but I completely forgot to confirm the tickets.  I figured it out about five o'clock this morning.  It was a real struggle to book the flights the first time since our return is so close to Thanksgiving.  I was pretty well panicked this morning.  We cut short our bike ride (our first in a week) so that I could begin piecing together a new itinerary.  It worked out to be okay.  We are now flying out on Sunday morning instead of at noon and its a connecting flight instead of direct.  This is a small price to pay for sleeping last weekend when I was supposed to be taking care of details.


Tracy said...

All's well that ends well. Glad you managed to still get a flight!

-lyn said...

Way to go to get it resurrected so well!