Sunday, September 24, 2006


The 3rd-6th graders have a Saturday Night out option up at our local recreation center. They call the program Rec-n-roll. From 7-11PM on Saturday nights the facility is closed to everyone except the registered kids (and a hefty number of chaperones). Sheela went last night with a group of her friends for the first time. There is a room for dancing, a room with bounce houses, some arts and crafts stations and pizza is brought in for a small fee.

Sheela and her friends had a blast until one of the boys attempted a more adventurous maneuver in the bounce house and landed wrong. In Sheela's words "he broke his back and was petrified." He had to be strapped to a back board and taken away in an ambulance. The girls didn't see the boy get hurt nor do they know him. All of the kids got herded together to keep them out of the way while the ambulance was there and the story got passed from kid to kid. Lisa was so upset that she decided not to spend the night with us. Sheela was still shaking when I got home (about an hour after it happened)and had trouble falling asleep.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Oh, my. Sounds like a great way to spend an evening, if you don't count the "broken back" ...
Hope the boy is fine, and hope all the kids are told if he is!