Saturday, September 30, 2006

What a busy week

Work has gotten to be pretty intense. We had some really good things happen this week. Including announcing our partnership with Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children and our intent to distribute the True/Lok product in only six weeks. I may not get to sleep for the next six weeks but its going to be fun and I really like the product.

We also finalized our acquisition of Blackstone Medical and passed our microbiology audit. I didn't have anything to do with the Blackstone purchase but the audit was a big thing for me and I'm glad that it went so well. The auditor made a few very good suggestions all of which I think we will incorporate. More importantly there were no real surprises that means we have a pretty good idea of what we are doing and we've already identified our few weaknesses and have plans in place to correct them. Of course some things still have to wait until we get a Quality Director but he should start within the month.

I also had to train myself to implement some of our changes because of a pair of unexpected events in the lives of our documentation department. I like to know that I can step in when they need me somewhere but I'd rather step in to train someone else to do this particular on a regular basis. We need a full time back up for that department and no one seems to want the job. I don't know why its such a hard job to sell. The other operation people consider the job to boring (its data-clerk-type-stuff) and the people outside of operations appear to be intimidated by the federal regulations. Oh well. One of the two women should be back in the office by Tuesday and maybe both of them.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

We're "proud on ya, kid!"