Monday, September 04, 2006

Sunil earned his bell

A few weeks ago we bought hand bells for the kids' bikes. Sheela earned hers for some rather dramatic room cleaning that was long over due but Sunil had to learn to ride his bike to earn his. Technically, he starts, rides and stops without assistance. In reality the stops are controlled falls but I think that the control is important. He is also better suited to riding in large open parking lots rather than to narrow trails. But he made great progress this week and we put the bell on yesterday.

I have some half decent pictures of both Sunil riding and of Sheela riding her new bike. However they are trapped on my camera. I can't find the cable to transfer the pictures. I've apparently either worn out or damaged the chip I usually use, so I switched back to using the camera's internal memory.

1 comment:

-lyn said...

Congrats to Sunil!
BTW, I seem to remember that I owed Sheela a new bike ... let me know how much the new one cost, OK?