Sheela is borrowing Her Grandma's sewing machine to make her Halloween costume this year. I'm glad that she wants to try this for a couple of reasons...I'm not wild about the store bought costumes though they are more elaborate and cheaper than what we will probably make and Sheela wants to compete in Destination Imagination this year. DI is a team based creative problem solving competition that usually involves making costumes from scratch (along with some math, science, research and playwriting). During the actual competition the kids have to do all of the work and research. I figure this will be good costuming experience. She wants to start simple, just a black cape with a hood (she will be a witch when its all said and done) she may or may not make a gown to wear too.
We bought an actual pattern instead of freehanding something. I wanted to show her how to choose a real pattern and the how to figure out what to buy. The pattern that she choose had a couple of extra frills like a tassel hanging from the hood that she chose to omit.

With the sewing machine we started with following lines on paper: straight, curves and corners. Before moving on to small pillows. She made a very cute pillow for Sunil. Tonight we will learn how to wind the bobbin and then layout and cut the fabric. The actual assembly may have to wait until next week.
I do have a sewing machine of my own, but it only sews in reverse. A tiny little c-clamp broke off years ago and I've never managed to get it fixed.
Way to go, both of you. We are pleased with the undertaking of the project (and I share the dislike of the "store-boughten" costumes.)
I think it will be a great costume - Sheela will "own" it more truly than a store bought one, and I'm sure that halloween will be a lot of fun.
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