Tuesday, September 20, 2005

C.S. Lewis

I finished reading The Horse and His Boy Sunday and almost finished Prince Caspian last night. I've been told a hundred times that I would like The Chronicals of Narnia but I'm pleased to see how much I am liking them. Even the gore and the bloodshed are gentle. When Sheela gets to a place that we need a new bedtime story I'll switch over to these. I think that she will like them and Sunil might too. I haven't read any chapter books to him yet and it's definitely time.


Anonymous said...

Are you reading the entire series (9 books I think)? Do you have them or are you getting them from the library? I read them all once back in jr high or high school, would love to read again (after the backlog of about 3 books I have!).

Team Sharma said...

There are seven books in the series and I bought them all. Pretty much elementary school is one great big "gimme!" after another, but I do like the Scholastic book clubs order sheets. In amongst the junk are some really good deals. The seven book set was $7.00. You are welcome to borrow them when you come pick up the kitten.....