Wednesday, September 14, 2005

We have kittens.......

three boys and one girl. They were born while we were at work today, apparently with no complications. The girl is a miniature of her momma. Two of the boys look like Max (are those tabby cats?) and one is solid black. Bello lets us hold them for a few minutes at a time but mostly they are nursing. Brenda has agreed to take one, hopefully she and Jeremy will come over on Saturday to make their selection.


Tracy said...

Congratulations! They're ...boys and a girl!

I had a cat growing up (she lived to be 17) - and she had several litters of kittens (don't forget - this was before the days of social awareness, before the days when we had our animal companions (a.k.a. pets) spayed/ neutured. Anyway - you are in for a treat. A very hectic one!

-lyn said...

Awww, they're so cute!