Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Pacers

Friday, December 29, 2006
Books on tape
On a related topic there was a segment on NPR the other day about the death of woman in the Seattle floods last month. Hers was a well known voice, she had recorded hundreds of books on tape. I did not recognize, or remember, her name but they played a voice clip of some of her work and I could immediately think of three books that she surely did.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
TFC (Allen)'s last indoor game was yesterday. Sheela played six games with team and the coach was only there for 1.5 of those games. It was okay early on when his older kids made the play-offs -- there were scheduling conflicts. During the last two games the older kids were on a break and he neither called nor came to the games. The girls aren't nearly as offended as the parents. They played a great game yesterday anyway. The final score was a tie (3:3) which doesn't always mean that the teams were on par but in this case they were very well matched.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
A morning off

Catch up sleep
Even better Sheela's best friend is no longer grounded as of this morning (she punched a fifth grader on Thursday and has been on restriction through the whole holiday weekend). So they have plans to play together this afternoon. I was hoping to arrange for Sunil to go play with a friend this afternoon while I'm at work too but I haven't have any luck.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Greetings of the Season
Friday, December 22, 2006
Holiday Weekend
I did remember to go back and retrieve Sunil. I have only two more items scheduled between now and noon on Tuesday! We are going to visit family friends on Sunday afternoon and then going to spend Sunday evening with another group of friends. That's it. No trips to the store, the library or the skating rink. No soccer games, practices or meetings. No drama days, DI meetings or plays.
This is not to say that we wont do ANYTHING over the holidays, it just means that we can go with the flow. It sounds like heaven.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Cinnamon Bread French Toast
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Unnoticed Bonus
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Bonus Day
Today is bonus day. Only now we call them "objective based incentives" instead of bonuses. If we achieve our selected "stretch" objectives by the end of the year we are rewarded with a nice little check. This was a good year.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Twin Cities
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Coach Sid... again
Sheela's Birthday
Just when I needed something to do....
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
No orphans for us this year
Sid and I had a reality check last night and have opted to pass on the Ukrainian Orphan this year. We have already committed to too many other things and it wouldn't be fair to the child. Maybe next time, with a little bit more advanced planning, we will host a child.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Tie Shoes
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Temperature drop
I hope it warms up a little bit tomorrow. That's the night of our annual downtown adventure and Saturday morning is the Children's Parade. Think warm thoughts..... think warm thoughts......
Malaria Risk
I was denied when trying to give blood this morning. Apparently visiting Costa Maya has made me a malaria risk. I can't give blood for a year. Oh well, it was worth it to me.
Ukrainian Orphan?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Off season uncertainty
SuperBlue decided not to play indoor soccer this winter, so Sheela has accepted an invitation to play on another academy team. This one is called Texas FC, she will play for them the next 6 Sundays (more or less) but wants to still practice with SuperBlue. Her regular academy coach is trying to pull in enough new girls to divide the team into two teams and her former academy coach is trying to put together a team. Based on which coach she chooses to practice with will determine which of her friends she gets to play with, until they figure out they don't have enough girls for all of these teams and then she has to take her chances as they cuts girls from the roster again. I prefer things that you sign up for with preset schedules where you either register in time or you don't.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Free turkey
Now lets hope that the turkey soup attempt improves enough to be edible.....
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Stomach bug
Monday, November 20, 2006
Welcome to Georgetown
The first formal night

The night of the first of the "formal" dinners we got the full crew together for a picture.
In the back row are Sid (with a beard), Dad and Luke. I'm in front of Sid and next to Eileen. Karl is slightly behind Eileen. Lisa and Carie are in front of us. Then Brandon, Katie and Sheela. Kyle, Sunil and James are in the front row.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The recap

We set sail before dinner but still managed a walk on the deck on our way down to the dining room. This is Ft. Lauderdale as we head out on our adventure.

We woke up in Key West for a short layover. We all went ashore but dispersed early. The Sharmas spent some time walking around with Opa. We met up with Karl, Lisa, Brandon and Oma after their parasailing trip.
Day two found us in Cozumel. Our shore excursion took us to an "all inclusive" beach called Playa Mia. It wasn't quite as inclusive as we'd been lead to believe but the water was warm and a pool close at hand when the salt and sand became overwhelming.

Day three was spent in Costa Maya, Mexico. The water here was by far the prettiest. We started off at the crocodile park and then split up. Sunil and I went back aboard to relax while Sid and Sheela joined up with the Luke and Karl, et al for some snorkeling.

Day four was by far my favorite. We went to a beach in Georgetown, Grand Caymen with the other "kids" for a wonderful day of just goofing around.
Day five was spent underway playing a cutthroat game of Risk or sleeping depending on your temperament. I'm told that Sid and Brandon were the last two standing. Tradition has it that we only play to the last two players or the game would never end.
Day six found us back in Ft. Lauderdale for our goodbyes. Luke, Carie, Katie and Kyle had an early flight back to Michigan. The rest of us stayed as long as possible and then went to a motel on the beach to spend the day. It made a nice transition to the "real world". Karl, Lisa, Brandon and James flew back to Arizona in the later afternoon.
Dad and Eileen left this morning for their drive home and we flew home from Miami.
Misc. photos from the cruise

Home Again
I'm off to start laundry and then take a nap.....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Let's cruise....
2nd Place
I have a picture of Sheela with the trophy but I've already packed the camera for the trip. SO it will have to wait until we get back.
Friday, November 10, 2006
This is America and more
We missed the soccer game last night but according to the website we won 3-0. So we are guaranteed either 1st or 2nd place and we've planned a pizza party celebration for Saturday night. The championship game is Saturday morning.
Sunil was home sick from school yesterday but is back in action today. Just in time to turn in his homework and collect some to take with us. I figured out last night that the kids are off of school the whole week after we get back and not just on Thursday and Friday. Kids Club says it will open but they haven't sent home any information yet and usually we have to sign up for full day times a week or two in advance so that they can choose which school the kids will attend on those days.
I've finished the pre-boarding paperwork and printed our expidited passes. I can't check in for the flights until tomorrow morning. We have a hotel for the night we get back. I haven't figured out a rental car for the day after but I'm sure that we can take care of that when we get to the pier. We should be all set to go.... except for the packing which can't be done until the laundry is done.... but we are getting close.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Playoffs - Round 1
There were no surprises in last night's first round play-off soccer game. SuperBlue won 8 or 9 to 0. Sheela scored one goal. The next round game will be Thursday night, but we won't be there. The third grade class has a Veteran's Day Music Recital that evening.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Happy Birthday Sid!

While today is his actual birthday the kids and I took Sid out on Saturday night to celebrate. We went to Medieval Times to watch the jousting and to eat dinner with our hands. We had a really good time. Sunil was fascinated right from the start but became a touch uncomfortable during the fight to the death. Once I explained that they were pretending to die he started to enjoy it again.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Sheela's DI team had their first meeting last night. They have already chosen their challenge for the year. It took them less than five minutes to decide. They all seem happy with their choice. They want to write a play about a hero overcoming a personal challenge. The play will be done in the style of theater in the round. They need to include one special effect that does not involve any form of electricity (even static is outlawed) and two "side trips". The side trips are added bits that showcase extra talent from the team members. If someone is an accomplished dancer they may include a dance number, or a martial artist may due a routine, someone may sing, or compose and recite a poem, it could be almost anything.
Taj Mahal
It seems like just yesterday that I switched the calendar from the picture of
Sid's birthday is in three days. We leave on vacation in nine days. Thanksgiving is four days after we get back. Mom and John arrive a week later. The Children's parade is the next day; Sheela's birthday is four days later. We may go to
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Orthoween VII
Our work Halloween party has been toned down considerably however I am seated net to a cubical containing: pumpkin bread, sweet potato-pecan pie, decorated sugar cookies, m&m cookies, chocolate chip cookies, brisket, boiled shrimp, lemon cake, seven layer dip, asiago/red pepper dip, swiss cheese and walnut dip, and a relish tray. The office on the other side of me contains cinnamon muffins, potato-egg casserole, fried chicken, sugar cookies, taquitos, nacho cheese and sausage dip and soft drinks. I had a meeting this morning in a conference room containing red beans and rice, cornbread, sausage balls, sausage boiled with peppers and onions, chips, dips, deviled eggs, egg rolls, mini cupcakes, pies cookies and tarts. There are at least six other departmental food stations in the building not including the pot luck lunch/going away party for a friend. The food is not even the focus of our annual Orthoween event. There were six large scale skits and numerous costumes. I'm not big on the dressing up but I do love the food.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday night football
Sunday, October 29, 2006

The kids went to visit the pumpkin patch today with their friends. The pictures are pretty poor but the jack-o-lanterns were well done.

We bought electric candles this year. Each one is a combination of five flashing "christmas" lights. In 48 hours Sunil has managed to break three bulbs and snap the top off of the whole assembly -- it still works to some degree, but we still have 48 hours to go.
Second Seed
Sid update
Party Night

The kids attended a Halloween party last night. A friend of Sheela's from last year and his little brother (Sunil's age) hosted a great little get together. Their Mom should win the Mom of the year award. They had 30 kids at the party and the parents weren't required to stay. About 10 of us stayed to help anyway about half of the parents were actually in costume too. I didn't know but one other child at the party and one adult (neither of them related to the host family) but I had a wonderful time and the kids did too.
If you look closely at Sheela's neck you can see her fang marks, at the last minute she decided to be a vampire instead of a witch. Sunil was disappointed that I never bought him a red, light-up light saber. He chose not to take either the green or the blue light sabers, as he did not one anyone to mistake him for yoyo. I'm sure he meant Yoda. He could not be convinced that the color of the light was not the most distinctive part of the appearance of either Darth Vader or Yoda.
Friday, October 27, 2006
The fun never ends
Thursday, October 26, 2006
25 Years
90 Years
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Surgery it is
Monday, October 23, 2006
Medical Tax Saver Account
A beautiful day to be outside...

or so it seemed from the inside looking out. In the end I relented and let the kids move the easel back inside. It was sunny but also cold and windy. The cold wasn't much of a problem, but the wind kept tearing the thin paper sheets.
There is some extra stress associated with letting the kids spill paint and wash water in the house but it was worth it. They had a great time and no permanent damage was done. This must be the first time they've really gotten to mix their own colors (we used acrylics instead of water colors). They did a few more later in the evening but the "art wall" only holds so many at a time.

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunil was a riot during the movie... he has a comment about everything, is easily terrified by the dramatic scenes and so moved to joy during the uplifting scenes that he has to kiss somebody.
Lost one
Friday, October 20, 2006
Another audit
We have passports...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Rising Stars - Challenge
They have to do their own research, story writing, set design and building and make their own costumes.
The team manager is a 4th grade teach. She is lobbying to have the meetings after school in her classroom. From my point of view this is perfect! There would be no extra commuting to arrange, when its time for a meeting he can leave Kids' Club, afterwards he just checks himself back in.
Sheela's team manager hasn't contacted us yet to talk about times/locations/ or challenge selection.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Team Photographer
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Semiannual Golf Tournament

The Hawkeye is very near and dear to the heart of our golf co-commissioner. I thought he was photo-worthy.
Dog Tails

Friday night I took the kids (and Analeise) to the Dog Tails Kid's event at our local hospital. There was free food, free bounce houses, dance performances, martial arts performances and best of all a chance to get a look inside of the Careflight helicopter. I believe the event was supposed to raise our awareness of children's cancer.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Parent Teacher Conference Number 2
He also did very well on his basic skills assessment, including correctly answering all five of the comprehension questions, both implicit and explicit, following a passage that was read aloud to him. Apparently that is quite a feat.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Parent Teacher Conference Number 1
Color me the proud parent.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Nearly complete
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Down on the field...
Tonight we went to a Diwali celebration at Texas Stadium. We estimated that there were 25,000 people there. Six or seven dance programs and a drama depicting the victory of Lord Ram over the ten-headed Ravan were to be the main entertainment.

Typically at the end of the program an effigy of Ravan is set aflame. Due to the number of people there tonight they had to modify the program some and we ended up coming back home before the roasting. Here is a picture of the effigy as we saw him.
While we were waiting to get the festivities underway Sheela, Sunil and I indulged in some henna tatoos. When the henna is applied it looks like a chocolate paste. After it dries it flakes off and leaves an orange pattern. The pattern will wear off over the next week or so.

Friday, October 06, 2006
State Fair of Texas 2006

What a wonderful day. The kids and I went with our friends Alma and Kristina to the fair. We spent a small fortune but it was worth it. Alma ate until she was sick and the kids each came home with a velvet rose and a small stuffed bird.

Sunil was a lion in the Backyard Circus. He got to bare his claws, roll over, and jump through the ring of fire. Kristina was a mother butterfly. She got to help the 22 junior butterflies twirl around on stage. There was also a tightrope walker and a human cannonball.

We ate turkey legs, corny dogs, funnel cakes, grilled corn on the cob, nachos, ice cream and snow cones. Not all of us ate all of that but we did okay. This year's specialty is supposed to be the fried coke but I heard that it wasn't worth it. It's actually coke flavored fried dough rolled in powder sugar and something else sticky.

Sheela and Kristina rode on the Skywheel ride (they are in the orange car in the top ring) and on the baby roller coaster. Sunil and I did the roller coaster too but he was not a fan. The girls also came down the huge slide but didn't think it was worth the money.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I'm playing hooky...
Today I'm catching up on household chores. Its not that I can't do this while other people are home but I don't. So this is working out well. The Sharmas are still in San Jose, CA. I've dusted the tops of the kitchen cabinets, I've rearranged my closet and the extra bedroom closet. I've culled the kids rooms for stuff they don't remember that they have and I am hiding it until I can drop it off for a garage sale. I've cleaned behind the couch (that wasn't in my plan but Sid moved the couch this morning to find something and I took a look... yuck!) I was going to clean the inside of the refrigerator but I think I'll go get a haircut instead. Then I may spend some time filing our mountain of paperwork... or not.
Surgery for Opa
Sunday, October 01, 2006
A old era in reading (revisited)
Little Man

Sunil is not feeling very well today. He's still so little that I'm afraid he'll waste away to nothing if he skips a meal and when he coughs his body doubles in size and then caves in on its self in a most alarming manner. In the last year or so he's moved from twirling his hair and sucking his thumb to twirling MY hair and sucking his thumb when he needs a little comfort. He says that he only sucks his thumb at home these days but I can't tell because I only see him at home.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
What a busy week
We also finalized our acquisition of Blackstone Medical and passed our microbiology audit. I didn't have anything to do with the Blackstone purchase but the audit was a big thing for me and I'm glad that it went so well. The auditor made a few very good suggestions all of which I think we will incorporate. More importantly there were no real surprises that means we have a pretty good idea of what we are doing and we've already identified our few weaknesses and have plans in place to correct them. Of course some things still have to wait until we get a Quality Director but he should start within the month.
I also had to train myself to implement some of our changes because of a pair of unexpected events in the lives of our documentation department. I like to know that I can step in when they need me somewhere but I'd rather step in to train someone else to do this particular on a regular basis. We need a full time back up for that department and no one seems to want the job. I don't know why its such a hard job to sell. The other operation people consider the job to boring (its data-clerk-type-stuff) and the people outside of operations appear to be intimidated by the federal regulations. Oh well. One of the two women should be back in the office by Tuesday and maybe both of them.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Little Suit
I managed to pick up a boy's two-piece blue suit at lunch time today. I hope it fits Sunil. He gets to dress up for dinner on the cruise. I found it at the Kid to Kid resale shop for less than $9. Now I'm glad I didn't cave yesterday and spend $28 on a tuxedo. Ebay has a slew of them listed for $13 (plus $15 s/h). It sounded like a bargain, but then I'd have to buy Sid a tux and Sheela and I would have to go a little bit more upscale too.... you just can't let the five-year old show us all up.
I managed to get a very pretty dress for Sheela too, even though I think Jaz has her covered. It was a bargain and is very pretty, black with red roses.
Kid to Kid was the franchise that Sid was looking to buy before I was transfered to NC. Amazing how many different turns that life can make.
Monday, September 25, 2006
First Place
SuperBlue held on to the first place spot in the girls 3rd grade select division. They've won their first three games, but the other undefeated team had a bye this week so the field isn't quite level.
Singer Sewing Machine

Sheela is borrowing Her Grandma's sewing machine to make her Halloween costume this year. I'm glad that she wants to try this for a couple of reasons...I'm not wild about the store bought costumes though they are more elaborate and cheaper than what we will probably make and Sheela wants to compete in Destination Imagination this year. DI is a team based creative problem solving competition that usually involves making costumes from scratch (along with some math, science, research and playwriting). During the actual competition the kids have to do all of the work and research. I figure this will be good costuming experience. She wants to start simple, just a black cape with a hood (she will be a witch when its all said and done) she may or may not make a gown to wear too.
We bought an actual pattern instead of freehanding something. I wanted to show her how to choose a real pattern and the how to figure out what to buy. The pattern that she choose had a couple of extra frills like a tassel hanging from the hood that she chose to omit.

With the sewing machine we started with following lines on paper: straight, curves and corners. Before moving on to small pillows. She made a very cute pillow for Sunil. Tonight we will learn how to wind the bobbin and then layout and cut the fabric. The actual assembly may have to wait until next week.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sheela and her friends had a blast until one of the boys attempted a more adventurous maneuver in the bounce house and landed wrong. In Sheela's words "he broke his back and was petrified." He had to be strapped to a back board and taken away in an ambulance. The girls didn't see the boy get hurt nor do they know him. All of the kids got herded together to keep them out of the way while the ambulance was there and the story got passed from kid to kid. Lisa was so upset that she decided not to spend the night with us. Sheela was still shaking when I got home (about an hour after it happened)and had trouble falling asleep.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Passports - Second Attempt
New Camera

I also did find the cable for my other camera, so the kids will be able to use it when we go to Mexico.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Balloon Festival Weekend

Its time again in the Metroplex for the Plano Balloon Festival. We wont make it over there tonight (dinner party for the soccer team) and we wont make it over there in the morning (8am soccer game), but tomorrow evening looks like a winner. My favorite part is the "glow" after dark anyway. The kids aren't old enough to go up in the balloons, and the bounce house/face paining/midway games section is just too pricey to be worth it for me.